I am so proud of myself. i check out books and actually read them. right now i am nearing the end of Foreskin's Lament by Shalom Auslander. the book is funny. it is non-fiction and the author has a very readable writing style. this is one of the few books i have read that i actually laugh out loud at. i would highly recommend it although, be warned, you might have some awkward experiences should you choose to read this book, or bring this book out in public. i have been toting it to and from work for the past week...
"Hey Haley, what are you reading?!"
"oh um..." (show them the cover) "this"
"Oh, Oh wow. Okay. Um. Cool."
"does that say foreskin?!?"
"yea. it's about this guy that grew up orthodox jew and he is now writing about what that was like"
"it's good. its funny. i recommend it"
many of those conversations happen. i am really trying hard to not spend too much time on the computer. i don't want to feel dependent on it. so i am going to end this early and finish my book.
also real quick. in the past week i have:
-seen wall-e (see it it is so good!)
-rode my bike to the botanical gardens (50 mile round trip. do it! it feels great)
-gone to a bbq
-eaten at super dawg on devon and milwaukee.
yay yay yay.
have a great
day day day.