Wednesday, September 3, 2008

yoga update.

i can do this now! yay!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

having a hard time.

so it seems everyone i talk to lately wants to have land. and animals and grow their own food and basically fend for themselves. i spend a good majority of my day thinking about this very thing. i really want it. bad. so bad it makes me feel a little nutty. i don't know how to get this started. these conversations mainly take place in a third floor apartment in chicago. i can't imagine a day when i would be able to walk outside in my very own yard and do my very own thing and eat my very own food that i grew on my very own.

andrew wyeth did that painting. it is great.

i rode my bike again to the botanic gardens and i saw a beehive and i got a sage sprouting. its a start right? all i want to know is who wants to do this with me? i am all about communal living. come on! grab a shovel.

one two three
DIG! (please?)