Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a fresh start.

i have been thinking lately that i really need to get into this blog thing. i think it is important to keep track of things i want to do and things i have done so that i can remind myself that in fact things do happen blah blah blah. IM THINKING OF THIS IS A GOOD OUTLET! I AM EXCITED! AND YOU WILL LEARN TO BE EXCITED TOO!!! WE ARE ALL WORKING TOGETHER! basically i was talking to jason (my boyfriend of lo so many years) last night about putting together a list of things i would like to accomplish in my life time. so i thought this post would be a good place to start and i will continue to add to it as i come up with things. 

things i plan to do while alive
i want to fill my life with joy and excitement (thrills even)

1. ride my bike far. as in across the country far. have you even seen my bike? it is basically the best thing that has ever happend to me and has turned out to be a very good friend.
2. host a dinner party that people will remember for the rest of their lives.  this will be accomplished by having good conversation, great food, romance and perhaps some twinkle lights. hopefully it will be able to be out side. and lots and lots of laughter. i mean lots. constantly.
3. travel without any worries of not being able to speak the language. i have been feeling lately that i want to travel a lot. and far. but i get very intimidated by the language barrier. i want to get over this.
4. spend the night on a beach in a tent with good friends. laughing. eating. and loving.
5. make a friend that i will know well into old age. 
6. be a good mother.
7. be an excellent wife 
8. have chickens in my backyard.
9. grow a good majority of my own food.
10. teach something new to a stranger that they will remember.
11. go skinny dipping with a group of people.
12. have a garden of fresh flowers. and cut them to put inside. everyday.
13. read at least a book a week.
14. be a member of a comunity garden. 
15. own a house/make it exactly the way i like it.

i am going to stop with the list for today. turns out a lot of it has to do with gardening...hmm..being as i live in an apartment this proves to be tough.

i just finished reading the senator's wife by sue miller. it was alright. nothing too extraordinary but i needed to finish it. i have a bad problem starting books and putting them down because i become disinterested very quickly. while out to dinner with my good friend danielle and her boyfriend dave the other night we were talking about how long we give a book before we put it down. dave said 30 pages, no matter what. i usually  give it 5-10. so i am trying harder to have a little more patience. yesterday i checked out three books from the library

1. on chesil beach by ian mcewan: a book about two people having sex for the first time on the day of their wedding.
2. 30 minute meals by cook's illustrated magazine
3. bonk by mary roach: the curious coupling of science and sex. 

one of my favorite things to do is go to the library. 


Anonymous said...

Your books are all about sex and food. :) On Chesil Beach is short, I think I read it entirely during a plane trip. It's odd.

Haley I miss you. When are you coming here to visit?

kid extraordinaire said...

I can't believe you were able to get Mary Roach's book from the library. I couldn't even get STIFF the other week and that one came out years ago!

I'm so glad you got you a blarg! I will add you to my list of Click Its.